Thursday, September 2, 2010

Evaluating Artwork using Elements of Design

This Picture uses the colors of black and white. You can see that the white is dominating the image

 This picture is a spiral. It represents the feeling of infinity and no stopping to the spiral. It feels like it will go on forever.

 This is an organic shape. This shape is a seashell a very good example of organic shapes
 This is Calligraphic lines. They are calligraphic due to the elegance of the handwriting of the artist. This is a wonderful example of one of the many characteristics of a line.

This is size. It represents how the circles behind each of the different circles. The size of these circles show the contrast of size with one behind the other.

This is Implied Texture due to you thinking that the texture of the atwork would be rough and hard surfaces.

This is perspective, it is the one point version of perspective. It has the sizes varying from how close and far it is.