Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Drummont's BIO

I'm more of complex person. I like the stuff reg BLAKs do like Rap, R & B, and sometimes a little Jazz. I got 4 Sis(They 19,23,24,20) and 1 Bro(12). I love video games like Madden, COD, and a little bit of Tekken. All I did this summer was lie in my bed and sleep until school started. That's all I wanted to do this summer and that's what I do evry summer. I just love to SLEEP! You know when they say people who sleep alot are tall, well that doesn't pertain to me. And if I'm suppose o be tall then what happened! Please tell me I dying to know what happened! Any ways that's all I did last Summer and if you don't like it, then I DON'T CARE!